Friday 4 December 2015

Questionnaire Feedback for our Target Audience

We've concluded in having a target audience of ages between 17 to 45. We discovered that people only enjoy watching thriller films, depending on the genre. Unfortunately, we asked an age range of 16-17, which is our classes age range. We could have asked other people with different age ranges  to expand our target audience. People think thriller films should be aimed at adults with a rating of 15. Reflecting on our results, we will aim our film at a target audience of 17 to 45. 

Thursday 3 December 2015


We created a questionnaire to find out who we are aiming at for a target audience. It would be a huge help from you if you put your ideas in the comments below. 


Here is our questionnaire!

Tuesday 1 December 2015


An institution is an organisation or company, public or privately owned that produces and/or distributes media products.The most common type of this media is film and television and many of these products are the big budget films that we all enjoy on a day to day basis. These institutions provide the budgets for big films and often will invest multi-millions in order to make profit from the film on cinema receipts and box office money that comes from people watching the film. These institutions often advertise and market the film in order to make the best profit they can as investing heavily in a film can always be a gamble for the company.

Examples of Instituations:

Warner Brothers
New Line Cinema
20th Century Fox

Austin Powers (1997)

The film opens with non-diegetic, sinister music reflecting the evil villain that opens the start of the film and makes the audience believe the film is going to be tense. The audience are lead into thinking that the film is going to be a lot darker than it actually is. The music dramatically changes when the protagonist appears, the music becomes a lot lighter and more cheerful. This reflects the attitude of the character and reassures the audience that everything is okay and the villain can be overcome with humor. This also implies the comedic factor that will be prominent throughout the film as well as the action and thriller elements that are also featured. The protagonist or lead character opens his part in the film with dancing and enjoying himself, in contrast to the villain, antagonist, who opens his part by shouting at his workers and actually murdering them.

Apart from these aspects, this film was the inspiration for my initial ideas of a comedy thriller hybrid. Some similar aspects would include the comedic spy and villain who are incompetent but dangerous. Also some various areas where they make mistakes unintentionally which begin chain reactions of comedic errors.

Treatment: Roulette

Our Roulette Treatment

In modern day England, tensions role high between the Russian Mafia and authorities, with the government dying for a way to infiltrate the illegal organization.

A young boy barley 21, has found himself in with the wrong crowd. Engaged in an affair with the wife of a senior member of the Russian Mafia, he has learned a lot about the organization and all is good. 

Until the husband finds out and has his wife killed framing the boy. Now on the run from the cops, who want to use him to reveal all the organizations secrets. Bounty hunters and assassins, after the hefty price on his head.

 The boy struggles to prove his innocence whilst trying to stay alive. With his life ruled by chance, he never knows if he will survive till the next day, always wondering when his number is up.