Tuesday 1 December 2015

Austin Powers (1997)

The film opens with non-diegetic, sinister music reflecting the evil villain that opens the start of the film and makes the audience believe the film is going to be tense. The audience are lead into thinking that the film is going to be a lot darker than it actually is. The music dramatically changes when the protagonist appears, the music becomes a lot lighter and more cheerful. This reflects the attitude of the character and reassures the audience that everything is okay and the villain can be overcome with humor. This also implies the comedic factor that will be prominent throughout the film as well as the action and thriller elements that are also featured. The protagonist or lead character opens his part in the film with dancing and enjoying himself, in contrast to the villain, antagonist, who opens his part by shouting at his workers and actually murdering them.

Apart from these aspects, this film was the inspiration for my initial ideas of a comedy thriller hybrid. Some similar aspects would include the comedic spy and villain who are incompetent but dangerous. Also some various areas where they make mistakes unintentionally which begin chain reactions of comedic errors.

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