Wednesday 27 April 2016

Thursday 21 April 2016

Harvey's Evaluation Plan

Evaluation Question Proposals

Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
To answer this question, our group will be completing a director’s commentary of the film together. We will discuss how our film uses the codes and conventions of traditional thriller films including:
·         Crime
·         Mystery
·         Murder
Question 2: How does your media product present particular social groups?
For this question, I intend on creating a poster style document  in which I will explain how our film presents a particular social group, in our case, two assassins and a casino owner. I will talk about how their clothing shows their character as well as their actions throughout the opening to the film. I will also attempt to mention mise-en-scene as well as the costumes.
Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
For this question I will create a PowerPoint presentation of around five or so slides in which I will discuss the different types of institutions within media i.e Conglomerates, independents etc. I will also talk about their characteristics and which of the two would be more likely to pick up our film to distribute it. 
Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?
To answer this question I want to create a leaflet design from publisher and fill it with information about our target audience but also explain how our group came to the conclusion that that particular group was our target. 
Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?
I plan to answer this question I plan to write a publisher article on various ways we could attract our target audience and how we could then address that same audience internally or externally from our film.
Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from`the process of constructing this product?
For this question I intend on creating a PowerPoint presentation explaining what I have learnt about the technological aspects of creating a short film.  I aiming that this will be around 5-10 slides long and explain clearly the technological knowledge I have earned during the media course. These will include:
·         Editing
·         Camerawork
Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

For this question I will be focusing on the new and existing practical skills that I have improved since my preliminary task. I will make comparisons between my thriller film and the preliminary task film we made at the beginning of the year. I will comment on how I have improved my work and my knowledge of how to create a short film. 

Tick Tock

Our deadline for everything is nearly here and we are all pulling together to get our work done on time. Chop chop gang!!!  

George's Evaluation Plan

Evaluation Questions

Question 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
I plan to do some form of a talk show with the rest of my group; we will film this talk show and prepare notes and questions for each other that are related to the question.
Our film uses a few products that develop the conventions of real media conventions. We used a camera, tripod and editing software (Corel VideoStudio Pro X3). Using this software we were able to edit the shots that we recorded on our camera using our tripod to aid the steadiness of camera on most shots. By using the editing system we could add the transitions that we needed such as the Blend for the shot of the Eye which transitions to the shot of the Roulette Table.

What code and conventions did our film use?
  • ·         A killing
  • ·         A chase
  • ·         Low key lighting
  • ·         Fast Paced editing
  • ·         Face pace music
  • ·         Close ups on characters facial expressions

Question 2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
I plan on answering this question on a prezi by presenting the different social groups in our film. The groups that were represented are business men and gangsters. Business men can be represented in two of the characters my character (the mafia leader) and Ellis (the guy getting hunted). And the gangster is represented by Harvey (an assassin).  Ellis is on the run and being hunted by his bosses assassin. We have taken some cliché moments from other thriller action films such as:
  • ·         Guy being hunted
  • ·         Evil Boss

Question 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
I plan on answering this question on a power point to show that we didn’t have a budget so we had to look at independent companies in their field, not owned or partnered with any logistics companies.  I am looking at independent companies such as:
  • ·         Peccadillo Pictures Ltd
  • ·         Launching Films Inc.

Question 4. Who would be an audience for your media product?
I plan on answering this question as a leaflet. So I can use the poster as advertisement as well showing that our film is a 15. I’ll answer these questions in the leaflet:
·         What makes our film a 15?
·         Why is the target audience for 15 year olds and above?
·         What relations does it have to other thriller films?

Question 5. How did you attract/ address your audience?
I will answer this question using animation software.
I can bring in pictures of our questionnaire that we did at the start of the course to find a target audience. I can refer to question 1 and also mention the code and conventions. We also can show the audience the most popular answers and show what we could be making. I will be answering these questions during the animation as well:
·         What did the audience expect?
·         Did we include the answers of the questionnaire in our film?
·         What code and conventions did we relate to?

Question 6. What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I will answer this question as a podcast  and I will list all of the technologies that we used on the course.
I will start with ‘In pre-production, production and post-production we used a lot of technologies using software and hardware’. I will also explain the different skills that I have learnt throughout the course as well. Making some points such as:
·         What went well during the course and what went bad during the course?
·         How could I improve the final edit of the film?

Question 7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full project?
I plan on answering this question as a film, this way I can prepare handouts I can show the camera of past experience in filming and explain that I have some work experience in media such as filming some shots but also show the areas that I haven’t used such as editing. I will also show how I adapted to this course (because I didn’t do GCSE) and show the issues that I faced on this course as well.
What did I learn from the preliminary task at the start of the year?
·         Plan the production beforehand.
·         Look at areas of improvement such as editing problems, shots too long or short etc.

·         How to focus on and keep your target audience attracted to the film.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Feedback from Chillers

CH CH CH CH Changes

After gaining feedback, we have been advised to make some changes to our film, in order to improve it.

1. We need to make changes to our title sequence by adding some different music for the institutions. We need to find a different font. As well as take a second look at or title sequence to make sure everything is concluded in it.

2. We need to have a look at the panorama shot of the river. Chillers thought it was a bit jumpy, we will need to evaluate possible solutions.

3. We need to revise the different cuts of our scenes. Specifically the stair scene, the barrel scene and George's scene where he is shot.

4. We need to look at super imposing the roulette wheel on the eye.

5. Finally, we need to take a look at the final  music choices, perhaps we could change the pace for certain scenes.