Tuesday 19 April 2016

Feedback from Chillers

CH CH CH CH Changes

After gaining feedback, we have been advised to make some changes to our film, in order to improve it.

1. We need to make changes to our title sequence by adding some different music for the institutions. We need to find a different font. As well as take a second look at or title sequence to make sure everything is concluded in it.

2. We need to have a look at the panorama shot of the river. Chillers thought it was a bit jumpy, we will need to evaluate possible solutions.

3. We need to revise the different cuts of our scenes. Specifically the stair scene, the barrel scene and George's scene where he is shot.

4. We need to look at super imposing the roulette wheel on the eye.

5. Finally, we need to take a look at the final  music choices, perhaps we could change the pace for certain scenes.

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