Friday 26 February 2016

Changes to the Script and Storyboard

Because our brief is to make the opening two minutes of a thriller film, we had to make some adjustments to our script and storyboard. Our script turned out to become roughly seven minutes long so our quality assure, Matt, have to make some major improvements to make our film fit the brief.

We completely erased several scenes from it like scene 2 (in the office), scene 3 (the picture scene) and scene 4 (romance scene). We now have little dialogue in our script. Our opening scene now consists of a two characters running, inferring that one is chasing the other, until the main character 'The Boy' comes to some sort of a deserted setting where he finds a gun in a briefcase. Then both 'The Boy' and the 'Assassin', the other character who was apparently chasing 'The Boy', are seen in a room together another character is in the room also, but we do not know who it is for his name is never mentioned.

Friday 12 February 2016

Rough Cut of Film

Here it is. The rough cut of our film Roulette.
We hope you enjoy.  :)

Thursday 11 February 2016


This is the journey we take to get to our location, We relied on buses to get us to Strood. We may have a short break inbetween journeys (i.e. getting a drink or something to eat before we leave to film).

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Other People's Blogs

To get an idea as to what other people on blogger post for their blogs, I researched other blogs by going onto our own blog and clicking the “Next Blog” tab at the top of the page, which sent me to another person’s random blog page.

The randomness of this process was positive because it allowed me to research several different types of blogs rather than purely blogs in the media genre. The first thing I noticed is that other blogs contained more YouTube video links which we could use more of, for failed takes for example.

The next aspect of the other blogs I noticed was that most of them contained background images or graphics, which I thought added a professional touch to the blogs and made them, look better, generally, than blogs that didn’t contain any. Bolder and more vibrant colour schemes also made the blogs more eye catching and intriguing for a audience. I think we should use some brighter colours in our blog in order to make people notice it more.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Costume List New

These are the recommended clothing and make up to be worn by our characters, for our film.



·       White Shirt, Black Tie, Black Trousers and Black Shoes. To look like he’s in some form of business.

·       No makeup. This character is supposed to look professional and to look like he’s been running for a long time. If he wears make up then he’ll look unprofessional.

·       Black Casual coat as over-wear, he needs to wear this for two reasons. The first reason is that he is by a river so we need to make him look realistic, and the other reason is that the coat is supposed to create an eerie feel to him.


·       Black non-casual coat with a hood that can cover the actors’ face. We want to have a silhouette of this character, so we don’t want to show the characters’ face at all so therefore we will need to have a hood so we can have the actors’ full body in short.

·       Makeup is not needed because we don’t want to show the characters’ face.

·       As an addition to the black coat, the assassin will need to wear black trousers and black shoes so he can create a creepy sort of feel to our audience.


Homeless Person

·       This character will need wear a thick, brown coat and needs to look either ripped or untidy in some way. So then it looks like he’s been out on the streets for a long time.

·       He needs to also have black trousers and black shoes to look like he’s a fired businessman.

·       Makeup is not a needed for this character because he is supposed to look like he has been out on the streets for a long time.


·       This character is to wear business clothes such as a suit/ jacket with a tie (bow is optional), with black trousers and black smart shoes.

·       Makeup is optional for this character because we need to make him look like he has just come out of a meeting. We could use something to make him look lighter but as I said it’s optional.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Potential Music for our Film

Potential Music

I used the website and reviewed most of the music that would be suitable and I have come up with some suggestions for each scene in our film.

The Running Scene

The first song that I thought that we could use is titled ‘Precious Time’ by Prime Time Drama. The tempo is suitable for the running scene because we can use the drum beat to our advantage by switching from black-screen to the footage every drum beat we could do this for about 20 seconds into the film then we could have, when the strings come in, we could have the footage playing normally. 

The second song that I thought would good to have in our running scene in is titled ‘On the Run’ also by Prime Time Drama. The tempo is slightly slower however it still works for the film because it makes the film feel scarier, I believe that this song will be good for the Assassin appearances because he is a slow character whereas The Boy is a fast character, the Assassin always walks. 

The Briefcase Scene

The first song that I thought would be good for this scene is titled ‘Call to Arms 1’ by Inspirational Images. We can only use the start of this (first 20 seconds) because the song gets more uplifting from that point on so therefore we should edit the music so that first 20 seconds repeat for the duration of the song.

The second song that thought would be suitable for this scene is titled ‘Against the Odds full’ by Spy Movies. We can use all of this song for the duration of this scene because it stays quite low and creepy; the piano in this song creates a slow mood for the audience and we can put a gunshot at the end to create our cliff-hanger of the film.