Friday 26 February 2016

Changes to the Script and Storyboard

Because our brief is to make the opening two minutes of a thriller film, we had to make some adjustments to our script and storyboard. Our script turned out to become roughly seven minutes long so our quality assure, Matt, have to make some major improvements to make our film fit the brief.

We completely erased several scenes from it like scene 2 (in the office), scene 3 (the picture scene) and scene 4 (romance scene). We now have little dialogue in our script. Our opening scene now consists of a two characters running, inferring that one is chasing the other, until the main character 'The Boy' comes to some sort of a deserted setting where he finds a gun in a briefcase. Then both 'The Boy' and the 'Assassin', the other character who was apparently chasing 'The Boy', are seen in a room together another character is in the room also, but we do not know who it is for his name is never mentioned.

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