Tuesday 9 February 2016

Other People's Blogs

To get an idea as to what other people on blogger post for their blogs, I researched other blogs by going onto our own blog and clicking the “Next Blog” tab at the top of the page, which sent me to another person’s random blog page.

The randomness of this process was positive because it allowed me to research several different types of blogs rather than purely blogs in the media genre. The first thing I noticed is that other blogs contained more YouTube video links which we could use more of, for failed takes for example.

The next aspect of the other blogs I noticed was that most of them contained background images or graphics, which I thought added a professional touch to the blogs and made them, look better, generally, than blogs that didn’t contain any. Bolder and more vibrant colour schemes also made the blogs more eye catching and intriguing for a audience. I think we should use some brighter colours in our blog in order to make people notice it more.

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