Thursday 4 February 2016

Costume List New

These are the recommended clothing and make up to be worn by our characters, for our film.



·       White Shirt, Black Tie, Black Trousers and Black Shoes. To look like he’s in some form of business.

·       No makeup. This character is supposed to look professional and to look like he’s been running for a long time. If he wears make up then he’ll look unprofessional.

·       Black Casual coat as over-wear, he needs to wear this for two reasons. The first reason is that he is by a river so we need to make him look realistic, and the other reason is that the coat is supposed to create an eerie feel to him.


·       Black non-casual coat with a hood that can cover the actors’ face. We want to have a silhouette of this character, so we don’t want to show the characters’ face at all so therefore we will need to have a hood so we can have the actors’ full body in short.

·       Makeup is not needed because we don’t want to show the characters’ face.

·       As an addition to the black coat, the assassin will need to wear black trousers and black shoes so he can create a creepy sort of feel to our audience.


Homeless Person

·       This character will need wear a thick, brown coat and needs to look either ripped or untidy in some way. So then it looks like he’s been out on the streets for a long time.

·       He needs to also have black trousers and black shoes to look like he’s a fired businessman.

·       Makeup is not a needed for this character because he is supposed to look like he has been out on the streets for a long time.


·       This character is to wear business clothes such as a suit/ jacket with a tie (bow is optional), with black trousers and black smart shoes.

·       Makeup is optional for this character because we need to make him look like he has just come out of a meeting. We could use something to make him look lighter but as I said it’s optional.

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