Wednesday 21 October 2015

PlumbeTech Film: Preliminary Task

Our Preliminary Task

Our preliminary task is a chance to show off our skills and knowledge to determine whether or not we should be on the course. Our piece of work was a success so we are now planning for our next venture.

To create a successful film you need to plan it. You need to make sure all the components are in place, such as a drafted plot, a finished plot, a storyboard and importantly you need to make sure that you're organized and on top of all of your deadlines. You also need to get on well with the people you work with to prevent arguments and members falling out. All this is important if you intend you reach targets on time. Above all else, enjoy the experience!
In our preliminary task we covered a very basic plot with some simple camera angles. For example, we tried to incorporate the 180 degree rule during the conversation as much as possible. Our preliminary task is simple and we wrote a basic script and storyboard before taking the camera out and shooting. We experienced some issues with background noise and some scenes being filmed in a slightly odd order but we were able to edit it enough to find solutions. With future projects we would like to take the basic to the advanced and create films with more solid plots and organize ourselves before filming and editing to ensure as much efficiency as possible.

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