Thursday 22 October 2015

The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

 The first thing I noticed is the mysterious twinkly music at the first 20 seconds. This makes the audience ask questions about what is going to happen and what the film is about. Jonathon used this to create tension and make his film feel intriguing. We can recreate this using sound effects and composing some of our own music on the keyboard and percussion.

The second thing that I liked about this opening scene is the entrance of the first character. She emerges from the mist climbing up a hill. This is used to create suspicion as to if she is the protagonist or the antagonist. We can recreate this by using filters to create weather effects so then we can create the same suspicion.

The last thing that we can use in our film is the over shoulder shot of the character running through the woods. The director has used this to create tension because the audience starts to wonder where she is going. We can recreate this  by doing exactly the same thing have the camera man follow the character to create the same level of tension as seen in the  opening scene of The Silence of the Lambs.

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