Thursday 22 October 2015

Shutter Island (2010)

  • The opening scene is in a dark, mysterious place that unnerves the audience from the beginning.
  • The music is chilling and goes from quiet to loud.
  • The music increases as the camera shot and the scene changes, creating tension as the sound crashes.
  • The camera angles seem to differ between extreme close ups and wide shots of various objects.
  • There is a shot of rain fall (pathetic fallacy) building suspense as the audience is unsure of what is happening.
  • A shot of fire in a dimly lit room creates a feeling of danger and it develops a suspenseful atmosphere.
  • A weapon of some kind, a gun, knife etc. is shown with a close up, giving the impression of crime and danger to intrigue the audience.
  • The use of the colours black and red are used to create suspense and an atmosphere of danger, suspicion and evil.
  • The strike of a sudden match from an otherwise pitch black room makes the audience jump due to having a slow beginning then having a quick strike of an object.
  • Long wide shots of larger, usually solitary things, such as fields or woods give a daunting impression to the audience and also showing the audience where they are.
  • The title is in big, bold, red letters sticking with the colour scheme. Red also stands out as the colour of blood showing the audience that there may be a murder.

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