Friday 23 October 2015

The Hunger Games (2012)

The first thing that we can implement into our film is the black screen where the film explains what happens in the future, according to this universe. We can implement this into our by doing the exact same thing. Starting the film with our opening credits and title then use 30 seconds to explain the scenario. While we are explaining the scenario we could play some eerie music either composed by us or we will find a pre-made track in editing.

The second thing that I liked about this opening scene  is the sudden change of scene leading off with a scream  from a girl. This will get the audience’s attention. We can replicate this by using our editing software to use a similar scream to replicate the same type of tension that Gary Ross has used in this opening scene.

The last thing that we can implement in our film is the Crane that is used to follow Katniss as she runs through the woods. We don’t have to use a crane to replicate this shot we can use just a basic tripod and have the camera man follow the character as he/she runs. My idea is that we use this walking room long shot to show the character running from the antagonist.

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