Thursday 26 November 2015

Ellis and Matthew's Past Experiences in Media

We both did GCSE Media Studies and the task we did is similar to our brief for this year. We had to create the opening two minutes of a thriller film, including the opening credits. Everything was done as a team and doing so made us successful.

We used a variety of shots within our film, referring back to the codes and conventions of thriller films. We used a range of extreme close ups, close ups and long shots. An extreme close up is shown on the pan of the persons legs onto the mirror. A close up is shown when the detective is talking on the phone and a long shot is shown from inside the building, the point of view down the sniper scope, looking onto the detective. Here is our film :-) 

We used a limited amount of transitions. We used mainly fade and dissolve due to aiming for it to fit with the brief. If we used wacky transitions, the film would look silly and wouldn't fit with the codes and conventions of a good thriller film. Also, we used a lot of straight cuts and cross cutting to go from one scene to another. We also used shot-reverse-shot to show the conversation between the detective and HQ.

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