Thursday 19 November 2015

Music in Thriller Films

The overwhelming majority of films in the modern age contain soundtracks, pieces of music which try to tell their own side of the story that you are also visually experiencing.
This is especially true within thriller films, the genre we are studying, which will, like most genres, create unique sound tracks to reflect the genre that the film is intended to convey. Soundtracks usually include different tracks of music, for example in SAW the track “Hello Zepp” was made famous by the film and is generally a well-known piece of music because of it. The music was praised due to the chilling atmosphere that it created and this is no different for any other thriller film. The music will usually contain violins and create a ‘screechy’ sort of sound and normally is accompanied by a base line that comes in short, sharp bursts.

Music is used in thriller films because of the overwhelming atmosphere that is created for the audience and heightens the experience for them as they are watching. While they view the film in a visual sense they, subconsciously, view while hearing as well. While making our own film, we will make sure we use the example presented by the films we are studying and attempt to emulate the successful soundtracks we have already made note of.

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