Thursday 12 November 2015

Harvey's Initial Ideas

My initial ideas include the creation of a comedy thriller hybrid film. My inspirations for these ideas were gathered from the Austin Powers franchise, a popular comedy series of films revolving around a spy and which included both aspects of thriller and satire humor. The film can mainly be based on action and creating tension for the audience with small jokes put in as well. I feel as if this idea is unique and unlikely to be attempted by any other group, which may lead to potentially higher marks. However, the idea will be difficult to execute, unless we work to the best of our ability.

Some humorous ideas I have are, for example, having a stereotypical evil antagonist turning to face the protagonist while stroking the air, then it being implied that a cat is not within the films budget. Subtle jokes can release some of the tension the audience has built up through the likely tense opening scenes. We can still include tense music and create a suspenseful atmosphere that will dominate the first few scenes and only make replace with humor as the film becomes darker. The target audience for this is likely to be the people in media classes like our own and other teenagers who enjoy both comedy and thriller.

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