Friday 6 November 2015

Limitless (2011)

Narration by the protagonist explains the basis of the plot and what is happening to build suspense in the audience as well as jumping straight into the films plot.
Every piece of the opening credits is introduced with a boom or a knocking sound.
Whilst the booming sound is happening we can also hear people talking this makes the audience ask the question ‘what is going on?’ which in turn creates tension.
Cut to metal door trying to be knocked down to show that a possible antagonist is trying to reach the protagonist.
Whilst this is going we hear people saying “get this door open” whilst the door is still banging.
The security cameras in the apartment block are all broken or have lost signal. This adds to the tension to the audience and creates an atmosphere within the setting that suggests something is very wrong.
The shot showing the dead bodies lying on the floor shows the audience that something sinister has taken place, creating tension and a sense of dread among those watching.
Shot of apartment zooms out and then a CGI shot of an elevator like camera view going straight up. This creates tension by having the audience wonder what is happening inside the building. 

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