Thursday 12 November 2015

Group Meeting 2: 10th November

Initial Ideas and Target Audience

After starting the meeting we began to divulge our initial ideas. Matt come up with the idea of a film called 'Roulette', where a young man is framed for the murder of a Russian mafias King Ping's wife. He struggles to prove his innocence whilst being cased down by cops, bounty hunters and assassins. 

We next heard from George, who's idea was called 'The Interrogation Room'. This is based around a prisoner being interrogated in Guantanamo Bay, where the prisoner is subjugated to torture. Will we know if he is innocent or guilty.

Ellis came up with the idea of 'Murder at the Theater', where a young woman finds a deformed body in the middle of an abandoned theater. Trapped with a murderer after her, will she manage to escape and alert the authorities? Or will she die?

Finally, Harvey admitted he had struggled to come up with an original idea but planned some jokes for a hybrid thriller, comedic thriller, which was our previous idea. 

As a group we discussed our target audience. After a bit of debating, we agreed that our preferred target audience were teenagers and young adults (15+).  

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